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“Hidden Heart” by Measha Stone


Jessica Stanley is comfortable in her orderly life as a paralegal at a high end law firm. Having dated her fair share of liars and manipulators, Jessica views men through a pair of thick, cynical lenses. Men are good for one thing in her eyes, and one thing only. Things are about to change when she meets Royce.

Royce Bradford is an imposing figure. He is a successful man, an executive, that has recently returned to Chicago. He has some particular taste in relationships and sex that are not so casually found in everyday life. When he meets Jessica, he wants to make her his, in his own way and by his terms.

The story is about turning a not-a-relationship-girl to love a man that is different to her ex’s in so many different ways. The heroin has been hurt many times in the past by her lovers. She used to believe in their relationship, though they didn’t share her feelings. She also has some remnants from her parents’ divorce, that threw all her trust to men out of the window.

Even with this background, she is being attracted by a man again and she decides to give it a try. Not only that, but she does not back out even when she finds out about his special preferences.  Now, that was a bit hard to believe, however the author really tried to support it in any way she could. BDSM is not the easiest genre to write or read about. If it is not your thing and if the writer is not a master, then the reader ends up thinking, what am I reading and why am I reading this.

The story is a bit short and could elaborate more on the relationship, the characters and their past, in order to give the reader a more holistic view of the characters’ emotions and actions.

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